Sunday, October 11, 2015

Fall and Holiday Mini's are here!

'Tis the season for beautiful Fall mini's and Holiday mini's! I can't believe it's that time again. So let's get right to it. I have Fall mini's set up for October 24 and 25 at Green Lane Park. I am more than happy to accommodate your needs by booking your session at any location of your choice. I do have morning openings for those dates at other locations if need be. November marks the beginning of booking Holiday sessions, in studio for young children only and outdoors for all.

Mini Sessions $125

  • 30 minute session
  • 15 retouched images
  • photo print release
  • private online viewing gallery
  • 10% off prints
Below are some examples of my work or head over Enjoy!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Passion goes far...

I have a passion for newborns, I can not photograph them enough! I sit here and think, WOW! I am living my dream right now. I'm doing a "job" that I LOVE! One I am passionate about, good at and all the while, I am surely building a clientele base. The referrals I've gotten recently, the kind, loving words from new and past clients, is amazing and touching. My schedule is filling up. I mean, I am blown away! THANK YOU soooooooooooooooo much!!! I would not be where I am without all of you. Your kindness and faithfulness is not going unnoticed. I am sure you have received my "Thank you" email by now as proof. ;)

Continue spreading my name and I'll continue providing lifetime memories to each of you!


Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Happy Tuesday!!!

Good morning! The sun is shining and hopefully the rain holds off so I can enjoy the 2nd grade picnic lunch with Haley today! 

I just got done sending out some special little "thank you's" to my 2015 clients. Most of them are new clients! EEK!!! Makes my heart so happy to see new and old clients booking sessions with me. Speaking of booking, July is getting full, YAY!!!! I have limited availability on weekends but lots of free weeknights to fill. Think Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays. My other nights are consumed with summer dance classes for my girls. :)

I have 2 more openings for newborn sessions in July and 2 in August. Make sure to book at least 4-6 weeks out so we have time to order your props designed around your taste, style and interests. I love making all my sessions based around YOU. 

As we head into beautiful summer, I look forward to time with friends and family and making new friends along the way. Oh and I get to finally see one of my favorite newer friends next month. I haven't seen her since Feb 7!!! She somehow managed to pencil me in for a lunch, LOL!!! 

So enjoy your day, the week and the fact that school is almost out! :)


Thursday, June 4, 2015

Reflection Time...

Oh fun days around here lately, lol! Lots going on from end of year dance recitals to my sister in law flying home for a weeks visit, birthdays, graduations, babies being born, it has been a whirlwind of weeks! I embarked on a new business adventure in Rodan + Fields! Whew!

I am a feeling a little down with the lack of photography sessions I have lined up. It's hard when so many people think, "oh I have a decent camera and can take pics for DIRT cheap" and people spend their money on less quality work. I get wanting a deal, which is why several times throughout the year I offer discounts and giveaways, including raffle baskets but I know what my work is worth. I do a really great, professional job and provide a life time of memories for each family who entrusts me to take their childrens, newborns, families, etc, pictures. So THANK YOU to all those loving clients I have!

For all my CURRENT clients, when you book your next session, please mention "THANK YOU JUNE" and I will give you $20 off your next 1 hour session or an extra 5 images on your next mini session. (You may choose one session type)

Want to take it one step farther and earn a FREE SESSION??? That's easy! Get photo ready by purchasing a Rodan + Fields Regimen and I will honor you with 1 FREE mini session with 10 edited images via digital download! :) You must sign up as a Preferred Customer which will give you 10% off plus free shipping on your order! This offer is only valid for the first 5 qualifying purchases so hurry on over to my site or email me to get started and learn more! Take it two steps farther and join me as a business partner and receive 1 FREE 1 hour session and 1 FREE 11x14 or small print! or email me at

It's a great thing that I can say I love what I do times 2!! I feel lucky and as long as I continue booking sessions, producing amazing work and helping people reverse their skin and start looking younger, I will be so happy and thankful!

Until next time!
Beth Ann

Monday, May 18, 2015

AHHHHH! I truly was meant to be...

...a newborn photographer!! Honestly, the pure innocence, the squishy cheeks, tiny hands and toes, the love I have for newborns really shows in my work. I have so much patience for them, just ask any parents I have done work for. I am blessed to be able to do what I love.

Check out Liam. He slept almost the whole time and was an absolute pleasure.

I really do tailor each session to what the parents like. From props, to poses we find ways to make each session one to remember. This was certainly one I will never forget! Thank you for entrusting me with your precious gift. :)

So now I wait for my next newborn always feel free to send me referrals! I'll even throw in a little something for you if you do. 

Happy Monday! 

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Positive Changes...

Good afternoon! I am loving this new lifestyle I have created for myself. 2015 is MY year and I am not stopping. I am going full force into every new adventure, staying positive, being happier than I have in a while, and loving the support system I have! :) I am one happy girl!

One thing that I already mentioned that is new for me, besides my killer workouts and healthy eating habits, is that I joined my best friend as a Rodan + Fields Consultant. The products are beyond amazing. The improvements I have seen in her, her mom, her daughter, her other BF, and now myself are all the reasons why I LOVE this company. Not only do I get to have amazing skin, I gained new friends, a new support system, potential photography clients, and my bank account gets to smile. I mean it's just awesome the potential I have in this company. I have a 1 year goal to make a certain dollar amount per month and with our team, seeing their own successes within the company, I know I will be right where I want to be in May 2016, if not PAST where I want to be. I see it happening every day to people all around me who have taken the so called risk to consult for them.

What I want more than anything is to help YOU feel just as happy as I am and to help you become a Rodan + Fields success story. Whether you want to start by trying their products or join my team, I am here for you. The best way to receive an awesome discount is to join my team. The initial savings is HUGE! I have seen people make their initial deposit back as soon as 2 months. It's all up to you. Are you determined enough to make your dreams finally a reality? At young ages of 21-32, I have seen people retire already because they believed they could and they DID it! That's what I want to be able to say in 1 year. I want my husband to be able to finally not over work himself and enjoy life. I want the fancy vacations, (you can earn for FREE), the Lexus, (yup you can earn one for FREE), the remodels on my home, a nice savings account, extra money so my kids can take 4 dance classes each if that's their passion, the list goes on and why shouldn't it. I know I will be successful but I want you to be also.

So please, if you are at all curious about any of this, the business or the products, just ask me. I am an open book with many answers.

For the month of May, I am giving the first 2 people who join my team 1 FREE 1 hour session complete with all edited image as well as 2 FREE prints size 11x14 or smaller. I will also take your business picture to use for your business cards and hey, I will even design your cards if you want me to. What do you  have to lose? You have 60 days to change your mind on either being a consultant once you sign up or on any products you buy as a client.

Think about it. Then come to me. Let's make success happen.

Have a fantastic afternoon!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Thoughts of the week...

It has been a rough week to say the least! Between my children being sick as well as myself, trying to push myself at the gym while being sick, stress and drama in my personal life, a new adventure I will be announcing shortly and new computer issues, I am ready for the week to be OVER!

What I have to look forward to this weekend, ummm 2 sessions! That's the best stress reliever for me. And I get to meet a whole family, try a new location, have my first sunset session of 2015 and edit on my new software on my new 23" touchscreen computer....YAY!!!!!!! Soooooooo many good things to come!

My poor Haley though has had doctors appointments and this horrible cold, like the 4th cold in 3 weeks. She just can not get healthy and my heart aches for her. She is on her second antibiotic, went to see an ENT and has to follow up with him next week to see if she needs to have her adenoids and tonsils out. This poor kid just wants to be healthy. They wanna take all that out while she has a mouth full of braces and an expander. Man, she can not get a break. Hopefully the doctor will say her adenoids are not as enlarged next week but knowing for 2 years that they are pretty big, isn't helping me decide he will change his mind on taking the out. All I can do is be there and be brave for Haley.

Somehow I saw snow yesterday while buying my computer. Ummmm did winter forget that it's springs turn??? LOL! ;) Bring on the warmer weather please so I can wear me new clothes, thank you very much, lol!

And lastly, my husband needs a weekend to relax bc he has to plan our anniversary weekend next weekend. I am sure whatever he comes up with will be wonderful. Just think we might be out a sitter. Uh oh...

So cheers to what will be an awesome weekend bc I said so and enjoy it! It looks like it's going to be beautiful out!


Thursday, April 2, 2015

Misconceptions and the TRUTH...

Good morning my lovelies! This will be by far my most honest and raw blog to date. It's something that I have dealt with my whole life and will probably explain a lot about who I am, why I react the way I do to certain situations by most of all, change your perception of me.

So here goes...

I have always been that petite, thin girl that everyone assumed comes naturally. That I don't have to try to watch what I eat or exercise bc, well let's face it, I've always been thin. OOOOHHHH how I HATE this perception of me. How far from the truth it is. Yes, I was always under 100lbs growing up, only 5 foot tall, had a face full of freckles, a 6 pack I did not have to work for and could stuff my face with all the tasty cakes, carbs, cupackes, cookies...I wanted and did not gain a pound. So how is what I said so far from the truth? I became an adult and my body changed. I suddenly had a butt....eeek!!!, I had hips (yes people still look at me in disbelief when I say this) and I had back fat. Back fat, oh how this was an incredible wake up call that I had. I could no longer indulge myself in all those delish fatty foods and still have that 100lb figure with next to no body fat. I had Haley at this time and blamed it all on that. The fact is, your body goes through several changes over many years and you have to adjust your lifestyle if you want to maintain a certain look and feel.

For all those people who look at me and say, "oh you've always been skinny. Look at me, I'm fat." This is just as hurtful to me as it would be for me to call you fat. Like I don't know what it's like to also gain weight, have a mid section, have my clothes suddenly become tight and no longer fit. Just because I was a size 0 doesn't mean that becoming a size 4 didn't make me feel fat. You would too if you gained 2 sizes! I become very defensive when people say this to me, especially those close to me or those whom knew me all my life. Being on the opposite ends doesn't change a thing about how hurtful it is to call me skinny and accuse me of not knowing what it's like to be fat or overweight. The difference between you and I is that I CARE about my looks, how I FEEL about myself and I DON'T care about what others think about me. Most importantly I WORK MY ASS OFF to maintain a certain look. Yes, I slack off and gain those pounds back but this time, it's very different.

This time I have changed my diet....WHAT?!?!?!? Who is this person??? It's the new me. The one that cares about her body from outside to inside. The one who wants to be a great role model for her children but live long enough to see them live a hopefully successful, wonderful and happy life. The one who sets goals and is determined to succeed, meet them, and surpass them. Because that is a wonderful characteristic to show my children. I do things for ME. Not for the person who constantly puts me down, the dirty looks I get from jealous (whom I call LAZY) people, the quiet whispering of those talking behind my's all for ME. I truly enjoy getting fit and seeing results. It's a stress reliever, I have more energy to chase after my kids and keep up with them, it makes me a role model, an inspiration to others, and one day, when I feel confident enough to become certified and train others, I can.

To go into details about my diet and exercise this is what I do. I log into myfitnesspal every day and log the foods I eat and the calories I burned working out. I was lucky enough that my hubby got me my fitness band I wanted to help me track my calories burned. I spend 5-6 days at the gym working out and if I can not get to the gym, I work out from home. I use my beachbody workouts or I google workouts to do at home. I go out and buy the equipment I need to do them at home. I work out with a friend sometimes, I take fitness classes at my gym, I take vitamins and drink protein drinks after my workouts. All this while eating a high protein diet and counting my calories and believe me, I eat a lot of food during the day! I have to in order to eat the 1533-1950 calories a day. It all depends on how many calories I burn working out as to how many I can add to my daily 1533 goal. I eat less than 60 grams of sugar a day and as high as 112 grams of protein a day. I sacrifice things I used to love to eat to get the figure I want.

So talk about me all you want, make fun of me, hate me, be envious of me, but do not EVER say it just comes naturally and that I do not work my ass of for it! My whole family is pear shaped...TRUST me I HAVE to eat right and exercise. It's a decision I made for ME and one that I will NEVER apologize for.

Now excuse me as I go eat my high protein breakfast with my hot tea with stevia and then go workout for an hour. ;)

Much love!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Spring is finally here and with that brings...

It's been a while since my last post. I was down and out from a nasty stomach bug for over a week. Then it took me some time to get caught up on everything I fell behind on and my daily list. I am happy to say I am healthy and caught up! Woot!! LOL!

After pulling up the 10 day weather forecast, it appears spring may finally arrive next week. You know what that means, OUTDOOR PHOTOGRAPHY SESSIONS!!!!!!!! I've got some lined up for April and I can not wait to get back at it. In the mean time I was able to score an awesome gig for an awesome real estate agent! EEEKKK!!!!! I paired up with Carol Ravel, she works for Berkshire Hathaway and is AMAZING!!! We had our town-home listed for 6 months with no interest. We decided to switch realtors and Carol came highly recommended to us. We met, we talked, she was super nice and knowledgeable and within 5 weeks and several offers, we sold our town-home! She was so easy to work with and flexible with our busy schedule when it came time to house hunt. She worked up a great deal on our current home and we couldn't be happier. So when she reached out to me about becoming her go to real estate photographer, there was not doubt in my mind that we wouldn't make an awesome team. AND we do! :) I had my first home to photograph 2 Sundays ago on March 15, Carol had the house listed on trend by Tuesday night and the house went under contract yesterday! Not even 1 full week listed and SOLD!!! I am so happy for her and so excited to be part of this amazing journey! If you are looking for a realtor with a professional photographer to stage and photograph your home, please let me know. We will work very hard to sell your home and make it look the best that we can! :) The next house is coming up within 2 weeks. I can't wait!!!!

If you haven't already seen my FLASH SALE for today, it is $25 off a 1 hour session. It must be booked and paid for today in order to take advantage of this deal. Message or call me to book your session today.


Sunday, March 1, 2015

Another snow day...

It's finally March and BAM! another snow day. Ugh! SOOOOOO over this winter, lol. I have started a new journey and I am very excited about it! I have decided to see just how driven I can be with my health and fitness. I want to get in the best shape of my life and I know I have to change my diet in order for that to happen. This is HUGE for me! I love carbs, chocolate, wine, ice cream, etc. You get my point, lol! I have my amazing husband supporting me and a great book to help me get started. After this blog post, I am sitting down with a pen, list and my book to write down my grocery list. I am talking organic meats, organic fruits, organic veggies, nothing processed (except maybe protein bars but they are allowed) and possibly almond milk...YIKES! Not sure I can give up regular milk. I see lots of white meat and fish in my future along with lots of green veggies. Not to mention the amount of calories I have to start eating. I have to admit, I would be LOST without MyFitnessPal app. LOVE it! Best part is, it literally breaks down your nutritional intake so you can see how much fat, carbs and protein you are truly eating.

If I seem grumpy, moody, or distant, it's only bc this is all new to me with really dedicating myself to a certain diet and I am sure I will miss the hell out of my "junk" food, lol! You may even start seeing food pics. I noticed if I take a pic of what I am eating, and I truly enjoy the meal, looking back at it helps me realize eating healthy isn't as bad as it sounds. I still get to eat lots of delicious foods and I get to try lots of new recipes. I even tried shakeology. Not very impressed by it but thankful I get to try it for free. Next up, trying Isagenix Isalean shakes. <---------all new for me as well!

Wish me luck and I will be back to report on how my week is going. At least the fitness part is WAY more fun and is something I now look forward to doing! :)

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

aaaaaannnnddd I am back...

After being without a computer for over a week, I have it back and can play catch up. Yay! I am, however, very far behind on my 365 project. I may have missed a lot of days over the past 2 weeks. I have to go through my camera and see what days I was good and practiced with it. Kinda afraid to see how lax I have gotten with it and it's only month 2! OH man!!!!

I did have two adorable models come play with me for an hour. One little boy and one little girl on separate days. I wanted to practice a "dress like mommy" and "dress like daddy" session. They were super fun and a great way to add something different to your wall pic collage. I just loved how they turned out! Take a look for yourself.

All these indoor sessions make me miss the warm weather. I can't wait to get back outside and shoot! Until then I will just continue shooting gorgeous pics inside! ;)

Time to grab my camera and start on todays photo. I think its day 56. Sooooooooo far!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Catch up time!

Man this whole taking pictures every day, uploading them and then editing NOT easy. I committed to the 365 Project so I will continue to try and succeed daily. Here are my last 8 days worth of photos including today. Maybe tomorrow I can actually upload and edit and POST it the same day, lol!









I am working on story telling. Not so sure I have made any progress but hopefully after 365 days of shooting, I will. My low light has improved which was my main goal so that makes me HAPPY!!!

I had some fun little sessions last week and a couple more next week. They are my 35 & 36 pics. A handsome little guy who modeled for me and a sweet little client that came in for late xmas photos and a first birthday shoot. She was just adorable and made my job super easy. :)

Onto something more personal, I have been working out again only this time my goal is to become super fit and eat much healthier than ever before. After a knee injury, I am now in physical therapy and really missing taking my classes at LA Fitness. I am hoping in 2 weeks I will be well enough to start taking them again. Fingers crossed!!! My kick boxing class is calling and I REALLLLLLLYYYYYYY wanna go! But I go and do the bike and elliptical instead and focus on upper body and abs. Maybe in a couple weeks I can actually do more than 2 pull ups! HAHAHAHA!

While I pray for good health, I also want WARM weather bc I am WAY OVER this winter and single digits. When 35 feels warm, it's very clear it's been TOO COLD! 

Stay warm!

Friday, January 30, 2015

High Heels, Toddlers and a Camera...

Good morning! I have decided to make up a FUN, new mini session and offer it to my clients with adorable little toddlers! They must be able to stand up either on their own or by holding your hand. Let's to a dress like mommy or daddy day. It will be a 30 minute session with 1-2 outfits that will resemble your style. I am talking high heels, mommies jewelry, make up, OR ties, loafers and sunglasses, etc....whatever you own to make your little one resemble you for 30 minutes. On location sessions for $125 with up to 20 high res photos via digital download OR in studio session with all the above for $110. You choose! Below are some examples of what I had in mind.

Email me to book your session! Let the FUN begin!!! 

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Winter Blues...

Ohhhh winter sure is here. Snow, freezing rain, temperatures below freezing...I am sooooooo ready for summer! Or at least 70 degree weather and the sun shining, lol! This is by far my slowest time of year. I usually get to catch up on editing my personal photos, clean up my computer, do my taxes, ya know all the boring things, lol. I WANT to be shooting sessions, playing with babies, making a mess with a cake smash session BUT people don't come out in this terrible weather. I really don't blame anyone, haha! Sooooooo to help motivate those who would like a session from now thru March 2015, and you are reading this blog post, when you book your session, just mention this code word "winter blues" for a 25% discount off your session total (this can not be applied to prints). Offer must be mentioned at time of booking.

With that said, my little girl turned 4 yesterday. FOUR!!! I can not believe she is 4 already. Everyday I am fortunate enough to stay home with her, play with her, photograph her and really enjoy her being little. It's all these moments that I cherish most. She got some pretty amazing gifts from all her friends and family. She even said she didn't want any more presents because she had enough. LOVE HER!!! Of course once we gave her our gifts, she totally changed her mind, LOL!!!I had her pick out her own cake for her bday, she chose a chocolate cake with oreo icing. It was VERY delish! She shares a bday with her aunt so we all had dinner together at my mother in laws and since we were having a seafood dish, Chloe and Haley decided McD's was a better choice. Kids! It was a nice night. We drank, ate and laughed together. Everyone really seemed to enjoy themselves and we even had the chef catch his sweater on fire! I basically freaked out, no surprise there, and without skipping a beat, my mother in law just took her wet glove she still had on her hand while doing dishes and grabbed his arm. Fire went right out. I think I sat there staring in amazement for a while, lol! Fire was prevented and there was no need for stop. drop. and roll. LUCKILY! It was a night to remember for sure!

Today, I've been fighting a terrible left sided headache...I've taken 1200 mg of ibuprofen and you'd think I took nothing. It's amazing how medication just doesn't work sometimes. It may have taken away any knee pain I might have had today but I'd rather deal with that than this debilitating headache. On the bright side, I have PT scheduled for my knee next Tuesday. Time to get this knee back in shape so I can continue my workout routine. I was on a roll!!! I miss my kickboxing class. Gotta give it up to Marci for getting my ass in shape, literally! HAHAHAHA!!!!

Ok time to set up a new bday toy for my Chlo Chlo.


Sunday, January 25, 2015

Chlo Chlo's party!

Yesterday we celebrated Chloe's 4th birthday with her friends and cousin! She had a blast! She chose a glow bowl party and an awesome Olaf cake. We were fortunate enough to have everyone attend despite the nasty weather the night before. Gotta love winter weather, not really. ;)

Here is a pic of the cake bc it was THAT awesome!
cake by Krystal :)

Now I get to look forward to celebrating her actual birthday on Wednesday. I can not believe my little girl is going to be 4. Where in the world has time gone!?!?!?! After these past, almost 4 years, she still struggles to sleep at night and she still is mommy's girl. She frustrates me, angers  me, makes me laugh so hard, makes me wanna rip out my hair and cry, she makes me proud, she is incredibly smart and driven already, a total goofball and challenges me on a daily basis. This child could not be more loved than she already is. I heart that girl more than anything. I see me in her every day. She cleans as well as I did as a child, hardly at all!!! LOL!!!!! She can be the most loving, precious and caring little girl you have ever met. She melts my heart and makes me very happy to be her mommy. To think her toddler stage is coming to an end brings tears to my eyes. As I watch her become more and more independent, I feel like she is slowly slipping away already. And just when I think she doesn't need me, she turns into a needy toddler and wants no one but her mommy. :) I love you, Chloe and I can not wait to give you your awesome gifts this year!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Project 365

Ahhhhh! There is nothing like opening your 365 folder to see you are a WEEK behind in posting! At least I have been shooting everyday, lol! It's been 21 days and the major things I have picked up on is noticing reflecting light and learning to freelense, which I LOVE!!! You will see many images freelensed. I am ADDICTED! While it continues to be a very gloomy January, I am trying to stay positive in my 365 project and search for light everywhere. I have yet to grab my camera while I run little errands. I have to admit, I am kinda nervous to walk around target or giant photographing my little one(s). Maybe next month that will be my goal. ;)

Here are my 365's for days 15-21. Notice day 21 has 3 images because my indecisiveness kicked in today and I couldn't choose only one. I just loved each one for a different reason.








The rest of the week I will be editing away on both newborn sessions from Sunday and Monday. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE newborns! Expecting or know someone who is, send them to me. :) I have packages for every budget!

Well it's off to make dinner. Tonight it is fish. Good night everyone! :)

Friday, January 16, 2015


Hi! Thank you for stopping by and taking time out of you day to check out my new blog! I am very excited to have full control over my website finally. I know I have bounced from one to another BUT it's only because I am trying to find what works best for me. 

As you follow me on Facebook, you have seen I began a new journey with this whole 365 Project! It is HARD to pick up my camera on the daily and take photos. I have become very judge mental over my own work. Hopefully, by the end of this year, I will have gained much more knowledge and skills with my work. I do have to admit that I have become ADDICTED to freelensing!!! I've done it every day for about a week and I can't believe it took me THIS long to get started! LOVE IT!!! Here's an image from yesterday just as the sun was beginning to lower in the sky. It's my first outside shot and I kinda love it. The airiness and minimal focal point make this a stunning image. At least it is to me. ;)

The below image is the first outdoor shot with my oldest daughter, Haley. We froze out there but she always bares with me and my crazy ideas. I LOVE her so much for it. It's also my 15/365 pic. 

I would love for you to continue to come back and visit me. Please view my packages, galleries (once they are uploaded) and know I am always here for you. Whether you want to talk or need photographs, you know where to find me! 

Thanks for stopping by! :)