Thursday, June 4, 2015

Reflection Time...

Oh fun days around here lately, lol! Lots going on from end of year dance recitals to my sister in law flying home for a weeks visit, birthdays, graduations, babies being born, it has been a whirlwind of weeks! I embarked on a new business adventure in Rodan + Fields! Whew!

I am a feeling a little down with the lack of photography sessions I have lined up. It's hard when so many people think, "oh I have a decent camera and can take pics for DIRT cheap" and people spend their money on less quality work. I get wanting a deal, which is why several times throughout the year I offer discounts and giveaways, including raffle baskets but I know what my work is worth. I do a really great, professional job and provide a life time of memories for each family who entrusts me to take their childrens, newborns, families, etc, pictures. So THANK YOU to all those loving clients I have!

For all my CURRENT clients, when you book your next session, please mention "THANK YOU JUNE" and I will give you $20 off your next 1 hour session or an extra 5 images on your next mini session. (You may choose one session type)

Want to take it one step farther and earn a FREE SESSION??? That's easy! Get photo ready by purchasing a Rodan + Fields Regimen and I will honor you with 1 FREE mini session with 10 edited images via digital download! :) You must sign up as a Preferred Customer which will give you 10% off plus free shipping on your order! This offer is only valid for the first 5 qualifying purchases so hurry on over to my site or email me to get started and learn more! Take it two steps farther and join me as a business partner and receive 1 FREE 1 hour session and 1 FREE 11x14 or small print! or email me at

It's a great thing that I can say I love what I do times 2!! I feel lucky and as long as I continue booking sessions, producing amazing work and helping people reverse their skin and start looking younger, I will be so happy and thankful!

Until next time!
Beth Ann

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